Design Program Management


As a PMP-certified designer, I have unique expertise in design program management. As a result, I make time to perfect the product and create more impactful customer experiences. 

This page shows some of my specialties and the tangibles I’ve accomplished. 

I am available for DPM consulting and project-based work.

Working smarter starts from day one.

I build tools that help onboard new employees, align existing employees, provide quick reference to important team tools and helps managers hold individuals accountable.

Effective onboarding doesn’t end with the first 90 days.

The tools used to effectively and efficiently onboard someone are the same tools used for the duration of their time on that team. This is the first step in alignment and accountability.

  • Reduced team onboarding down to under 8 days. 

  • Team members meeting or exceeding set standards 100%.

  • Improved team’s critical thinking skills.

  • Able to easily and quickly hold the team accountable.

Supporting teams goes beyond training.

It’s about mentoring individuals to be their best selves in and out of the office.

It includes learning what tools they need and providing them. It includes holding space for them to try and flex their own skills. And includes holding them accountable and empowering them to drive their own growth. In short it means training for what’s to come not just what is here.

Examples include:

  • Collaborative research dump: Allows for continual and organic research to be done and shared. Provides managers easy access to this information without calling a meeting.

  • Templates for everything (sketches, sketch boards, signage, trend decks): Sets standards and alignment across the CFT. Reduces time in cleaning up materials in preparation for presentations and tech packs.

  • Naming conventions: Allows everyone to find all team materials easily. Reducing time asking, uploading, and sharing information.

  • Information flow: Making the tools the team needs to make sure they are headed in the right direction available

Communication is the backbone on which high functioning teams excel

Marketing video for new pant launch

A team is more than one function.

Working together as a CFT is one of the most crucial elements of successful development. Designing is a team sport.
This is how true alignment happens in order to cut costs, shorten lead times, promote creative problem-solving, and the list goes on. 

  • Repaired frayed team relationships, creating smoother and more productive meetings

  • Increased alignment, thereby shortening lead times

  • Reduced over-development and rework by aligning on strategies and direction earlier, resulting in lower development costs.

  • Increased mill and vendor partnerships to leverage the resources we have and discover innovative ways to evolve the product and our process together. 

Development review with vendor, merch, and PD

Making time for the product

Whether I’m building a calendar from scratch or finding ways to work smarter on an existing calendar, I can always find time to ensure the product is right.

The right processes level out the workflow to prevent a binge and burnout cycle. They give teams the time and support to do their best creative work. 

The best processes
are invisible.

I literally wrote the book!

My new book on internships, training, and onboarding is coming soon in 2024!


It isn’t just about the details!

We’ve all worked for someone. Parents are our first managers, then teachers, then bosses. These interactions influence our style as we grow and develop. There is no confirmed right way to manage, although there are countless studies and articles on best practices. Like many things in life, how people perceive what you do has more carries more weight than we care for and quite frankly, this is a recent learned behavior. Distinguishing between micromanagement and being detail-oriented is centered on this blurred line of perception…

Personal Values and Mantras

A collection of my insights into better leadership and management. Each thought will lead you down the rabbit hole of my leadership philosophies.